Inspire | Communicate | Educate
Online training to help you develop your preaching, teaching & communication skills. A proven path for where to start and how to get there.
Inspire | Communicate | Educate
Online training to help you develop your preaching, teaching & communication skills. A proven path for where to start and how to get there.
Grow Your Voice.
Develop Your Passion.
Why Crash Courses?
"I wish I had someone to walk alongside me to help me begin and grow in my journey to preaching and teaching."
I've heard this sentence so many times. In fact, this is the exact reason I've created these courses. There are so many things you just may not know how to navigate - like where to even start or how to get there. I want to help shortcut this process with clarity so you can hit the target. Having a guide to teach you the basics while showing you things to avoid and watch out for, will save you so much wandering while causing you to grow, develop and learn faster and with specific clarity.
Who is this for?
Havilah Cunnington
Havilah Cunnington is a sought-after communicator, published author, top-rated podcaster and has been in full-time ministry for over 20 years. In addition to being an itinerant pastor at Bethel Church, She and her husband Ben, lead a nonprofit called Truth to Table. They're obsessed with reaching the world with Bible studies, messages, and lifestyle leadership tools. Havilah and Ben live in Redding, California, with their four young sons: Judah, Hudson, Grayson, Beckham and their golden-doodle; Bear.
Havilah Cunnington
Havilah Cunnington has been in full-time ministry for twenty years, and serves as a pastor at Bethel Church. Havilah and her husband, Ben, lead a nonprofit and an online platform called Truth to Table, reaching the world with Bible studies, messages, and lifestyle leadership tools. Havilah and Ben live in Redding, California, with their four sons: Judah, Hudson, Grayson, and Beckham.
explore courses below
Delivering A Message
Coming 2019
Coming 2019
Coming 2019
Coming 2019
Get Course: Delivering a Message
Delivering A Message
Lesson 1: The Importance of Pre-Delivery
Lesson 2: Practicing Stage Presence
Lesson 3: Arriving
Lesson 4: Delivery
Lesson 5: How to Stay Out of God’s Way
Lesson 6: What to Do When It’s Not Working
Lesson 7: Dealing with Distractions
Lesson 8: Knowing When to Close
Lesson 9: Post - Delivery
Lesson 10: Protecting Monday
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If you decide to go back through Crash Courses the moment you finish, do it! In fact, your membership gets you lifetime access to the course material.
Registration Now Open
Delivering A Message
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Registration Now Open
Delivering A Message
More Crash Courses
Coming soon
Delivering A Message
Writing A Book
Writing A Book
Creating An ECourse
Itinerate Speaking
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Redding, CA 96049
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